Hoy, 7 de March de 2025

The Hospital is open from 10am to 6pm.

Tavera Hospital


In 1541, at the same time as the birth in Crete of the painter Domenikos Theotokopoulosin Toledo, the master builder of the Primate Cathedral, Alonso de CovarrubiasThe construction of this great building of Renaissance classicism began, with a dual function: hospital and pantheon of its founder. Its construction opened up the programme of architectural and urban renewal that the circle of humanists who surrounded Emperor Charles V planned for the city. to adapt the image of Toledo to its role as an imperial capital and that El Greco Years later, as soon as the work on the pantheon chapel had been completed, he would depict it in his famous "View of Toledo", in which he places the Hospital in the foreground, floating on a cloud and inverting its orientation, in whose ornamentation he took part.

Visual notes

Get to know the rooms of this hospital with appearance of a sumptuous Roman palaceThe building has been shaped by its original dual function, as a charity and as a burial place, and by its current use as a museum of the Golden Age.


Born out of a novel social policy, its construction opened the way for a new social rigorously classical architecture which will culminate in the great work of El Escorial, from which, in turn, it will be influenced.

Promoters and architects

Founded by Cardinal Tavera, a close collaborator of Charles V, it was built and decorated with the participation of the artistic avant-garde of the imperial capitalCovarrubias, Berruguete, El Greco...

In the cinema

Favourite stage of Luis Buñuel who shot two films there, Viridiana and Tristana, the Hospital Tavera has also attracted many other directors and is the place in Toledo where most films have been shot.

The Hospital in private

Located just over 30 minutes from Madrid and to 300 metres from the Bisagra Gate in Toledo, as well as organising visits to meet in private this monument and its collections, you will be able to hold events of various kinds in its superb and spacious Renaissance courtyards and in other spaces adapted for this purpose. By doing so, you will also contribute to its conservation and dissemination.