Holy Mass and Stations of the Cross of the Pious Union 2024

4 March 2024

On the 1st of March at 7 p.m. the Holy Mass was celebrated in the Casa de Pilatos, officiated by the Archbishop of Seville, Monsignor Sáiz Meneses, followed by the traditional Way of the Cross which was instituted by the 1st Marquis of Tarifa on his return from his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This Way of the Cross took place in the lower galleries of the main courtyard of the palace and the procession was made up of the Cross of the Towels, from the Brotherhood of the Negritos, the banner of the Holy Christ of San Agustín, from the Brotherhood of San Roque, the banner of San Juan de San Roque, and the banner of San Juan de San Agustín, from the Brotherhood of San Roque, the banner of San Juan de Ribera, from the Brotherhood of San Esteban, the banner of the Pious Union, under the canopy the Reliquary with the Holy Lignum Crucis carried by the Archbishop, the procession was completed by the Elder Brothers of the Brotherhoods and Confraternities with lanterns plus the faithful. The San Felipe Neri choir provided the musical accompaniment.