Parade commemorating the 424th anniversary of Velázquez's birth

10 June 2023

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 424th anniversary of the birth of Velázquez and of the 4th centenary of his appointment as painter to the kingin October 1623, the Natal House of the painter and the Tercio de Olivares Association in collaboration with this FoundationThe parade was led by the Tercio de Olivares, which started at the Casa de Pilatos, where Francisco Pacheco, his father-in-law and teacher, participated in the humanist gatherings of the III Duke of Alcalá, one of the artist's main patrons in his early years, for whom he made "...".Christ in the house of Martha and Mary" y "Two boys sitting at the table"among other works, which remained in the Medinaceli collection until the 19th century.
From the balcony of the palace known as Ecce Homo, the soprano Sara López and the guitarist Paula Brieba performed Baroque themes to start the parade which took in the most emblematic places of the artist's life, such as his birthplace, the church of San Pedro where he was baptised, among others.
Photographs by Jesús Sánchez González