A book on Blessed Rafaela Ybarra is presented in Casa de Pilatos

8 March 2013

"Più di trecento persone hanno assistito ieri (7 marzo 2013) nella Casa de Pilatos alla presentazione del libro""El Jardín de los tilos"" di José Luis Olaizola, che ricostruisce la vita della Beata Rafaela Ybarra Arambarri, la ""nonnina Santa"" come è conosciuta dalla sua lunga discendenza. The conference was opened by the President of the Fondazione Casa Ducale di Medinaceli, the Duca di Segorbe, who briefly evoked the figure of the great-nonna beatified in 1984 by Giovanno Paolo II. Rodrigo Vilallonga, Director of the Fondazione Beata Rafaela Ybarra continued, who, in addition to recalling the Blessed who founded the Congregation of the Holy Guardian Angels, spoke of the vast spectrum that has been established in Siviglia from Bilbao. Lastly, Don José Luis Olaizola spoke of the complex personality of Rafaela Ybarra, who, born in a particularly benign environment in the Bilbao of the late nineteenth century, dedicated her life, as well as her large family, also to rediscovering the life of Rafaela Ybarra, who was born in a particularly benign environment in Bilbao, also to recovering from prostitution the many emigrants who, in order to work as domestics, came to the capital of the province of Biscay, attracted by the rapid process of industrialisation experienced in the city".