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  • Presentation of the book, Por un poder andaluz. History of the Partido Andalucista

Presentation of the book, Por un poder andaluz. History of the Partido Andalucista

21 September 2023

The Hospital de Tavera has witnessed last Tuesday 31st the presentation of the book "For an Andalusian power. History of the Partido Andalucista"by José Luis de Villar.
The event was presented by the Duke of Segorbe, President of the Ducal House of Medinaceli Foundation, and featured a discussion between the author, Rafael Quirosa-Cheyrouze, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Almeria, and Alejandro Rojas-Marcos, founder of the Andalusian Party.
The event was closed by Mr José Bono, former President of Castilla-La Mancha, former Minister of Defence and former President of the Congress of Deputies.