Stations of the Cross to the Cross of the Camp

Devotion to the image of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno has its roots in the impact caused in 1682 by the arrival in Madrid, amidst acclamations, of the carving of a Nazarene in polychrome wood that had suffered a desecration that contemporaries felt was a re-enactment of the one narrated in the Gospels. Originally known as Jesús del rescate, it soon came to be known as Jesús de Medinaceli, as it was displayed for worship in one of the three convents that housed the palatial complex that the Dukes of Medinaceli had in Madrid's Paseo del Prado. Devotion to the image of Jesús Nazareno has remained strong and constant for more than three hundred years. The Foundation, as heir to this intangible heritage, has never ceased to support all initiatives that contribute to a better knowledge and dissemination of this devotion.


The Pious Union