New arrangement of the collection of the Hospital Tavera in Toledo

15 October 2010

"The return of the great tapestries by Willem de Pannemaker, after their restoration at the Royal Tapestry Factory and their exhibition at the Prado Museum, has provided an opportunity for a major reorganisation of the pictorial collection of the Hospital Tavera in Toledo. Such major works from the collection as "The Holy Family", "Saint Peter in Tears" and "Christ Resurrected" by El Greco, "The Nativity" by Luca Giordano, and the fragment belonging to a cycle of "Scenes from the Life of Saint Gilles" by an anonymous Brussels master, were displayed on easels in the Hospital Archive Room, which not only gave the impression of provisionality but also prevented a correct reading of the collection and the Hospital Archive. They have all been brought together in a room on the upper floor together with El Greco's "Portrait of Cardinal Tavera", Luca Giordano's "The Assumption of the Virgin" and Salvatore Rosa's "Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert". In turn, in the main hall on this floor, together with the gallery of portraits exhibited there, the two tapestries mentioned above from the series of "The Loves of Mercury and Herse", another tapestry by Aubusson from a series of the "History of Alexander", the so-called "Bench of Justice" by Adrian Lombart commissioned by the 4th Duke of Medinaceli in 1553 and the "Portrait of the Marquis of Aytona on horseback" have been hung.