Hoy, 29 de March de 2025

The cultural visit of the Chapel opens from

10:00 to 14:30h and 16:00 to 19:00h

Chapel of the Saviour

Úbeda, Jaén

This free-standing chapel, pantheon of Francisco de los Cobos, universal secretary of Emperor Charles V.is a masterpiece of Diego de Siloé which articulates an ambitious monumental ensemble that also includes a palace, which the imperial architect Luis de Vega rebuilt, and a Hospital, the Hospital de los Honrados Viejos del Salvador, built by Andrés de Vandelvira. Its construction initiated the redevelopment of the Llano de Santa María, an area now known as the "Llano de Santa María". Vázquez de Molina square, the centrepiece of Úbeda's declaration as a World Heritage SiteThe Imperial secretary and his relatives conceived this temple as an urban framework in which to stage, with the universal language of the new architecture ".the old-fashioned wayThe "Renaissance", which today we call Renaissance, the vertiginous social rise of his lineage.

Visual notes

Discover in images a temple that, sublimating the funerary symbolism of the rotunda as the evocation of the Holy Sepulchreis at the height of the best Renaissance architectureThe building was designed by Diego de Siloé and executed by Andrés de Vandelvira.


Learn about the historical context in which the architectural and iconographic programme that proclaims the idea of triumph over death in a double sense: religious, the hope of the resurrection and secular, the humanist ideal of attaining immortality through Fame.

Promoters and architects

Two of the "Renaissance eagles", Siloé and Berruguetea imperial secretary busy in the affairs of Italy, a humanist prelatea sculptor investigated by the Inquisitionare some of the great figures of the 500s who made this work possible.


In addition to its cultural function, the Chapel of the Saviour continues to fulfil the religious purposes envisaged by the founders and has a chaplaina choir of sixes led by a chapel mistress and a organ master. Find out the timetable for ordinary and extraordinary services.