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  • Holy Mass and Way of the Cross of the V Centenary of the pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Holy Mass and Way of the Cross of the V Centenary of the pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

5 March 2020

"Tomorrow, Friday 6th March 2020, the Casa de Pilatos will host the celebration of Holy Mass officiated by His Excellency the Archbishop of Seville, followed by the traditional Way of the Cross which was instituted by the 1st Marquis of Tarifa on his return from his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, an event which is 500 years old. On the occasion of this event, the Ducal House of Medinaceli Foundation has published a booklet containing: a prologue by the Archbishop on the spiritual meaning of this commemoration, the Ordinary of the previous Mass, the meditations and prayers of the Stations of the Cross and a brief text explaining Don Fadrique's pilgrimage. This booklet will be given to all the faithful who attend. Another new feature this year is that each of the fourteen stations will be represented by the banner of a confraternity of penitence whose image corresponds to the moment of the Passion being meditated on and also that, in order to give full effect to the plenary indulgence granted in 1630 by Pope Urban VIII to the faithful who, having gone to confession and received Holy Communion, complete this pious exercise, the possibility of receiving the sacrament of reconciliation will be offered. Lastly, the event will be streamed on the Cofradías Council channel in order to give it the widest possible dissemination".