The Institution

Get to know our history

The Foundation Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, approved by ministerial order on 20th October 1980, is a private cultural institution created by the will of Her Excellency Doña Victoria Eugenia Fernández de Córdoba y Fernández de Henestrosa, XVIII Duchess of Medinaceli, with the aim of conserving, restoring, reintegrating, studying, promoting and disseminating the historical heritage, both material (immovable, movable and documentary) and immaterial (traditions, devotions, rituals, ...) linked, over time, to her House.

Our aims

The Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli allocates all its income, a substantial part of which comes from the entrance fees to the monuments open to the public, to the achievement of its aims, which can be summarised as the conservation, research and dissemination of the historical heritage linked to the House of Medinaceli and its dependencies.

The Board of Trustees

As in all Foundations, the highest governing body, representation, administration and disposal of the Foundation's assets is the Board of Trustees. The day-to-day management is in the hands of the President of this body, assisted by a Director General and a small administrative team.

The annual report

Each year, the Foundation publishes a report on its activities, which lists the projects carried out during the year. Although with the limitations of a report reduced to one year, an excessively short period for historical heritage conservation projects, this annual report is a good tool to get an approximate idea of who we are and what we do. You can download it in PDF format.