The Institution



The Board of Trustees

Annual Report


At the service of Spain's historical heritage

1.- The conservation of the real estate and furnishings of the palaces, castles and other assets traditionally belonging to the Ducal House of Medinaceli or to other attached houses, whether or not they are owned by the Foundation.

2.- The conservation, organisation and, where appropriate, the complementation of the collections of works of art and documents of historical interest in its archives, whether or not they are owned by the Foundation.

3.- The dissemination of the historical, artistic and cultural values incorporated into the monuments, works of art and documentary heritage of its property.

4.- The promotion of historical, political, social and economic, legal and artistic research into the monuments, collections of works and especially archives that form part of the Foundation's heritage, the promotion of the study of its documentary holdings and the pieces in its collections.

5.- The promotion and encouragement of cultural activities of all kinds that are directly or indirectly related to the aims of the Foundation.

6.- The reintegration to the Foundation of hidden or undetermined assets that belonged or belong to the Ducal House of Medinaceli, to the attached Houses or to the patrimony of Foundations incorporated to it, by means of any procedures that allow their recovery.

7.- Fulfil the purposes of the various foundations belonging to it, or which may become part of it through merger by absorption, including the Duque de Lerma, Sacra Capilla del Salvador, de Úbeda, San Luis and San Ildefonso de Montilla, and Hospital de San Juan Bautista or de Tavera Foundations. In particular, the care of the poor and sick, resident in the territory of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, as well as any other charitable and social works, as provided for in the Statutes of the Fundación Hospital de San Juan Bautista.

As a consequence of the merger by absorption of the Sacred Chapel of the Saviour Foundation of Úbeda, its religious aims are expressly assumed and, in particular, that the Sacred Church of the Saviour of Úbeda, which constitutes the fundamental asset of the absorbed Foundation, maintains its sacred character, and all religious and liturgical celebrations must comply with the regulations in force according to the universal and particular laws of the Church, and any other non-cultural use of the temple must comply with the regulations established in the Diocese; with whatever is necessary so that the church may be open, with the decorum possible, for the ordinary and extraordinary worship established by the Diocesan Bishop in accordance with the canonical regulations in force.

8.- The incorporation into the Foundation, through merger by absorption or the appropriate legal procedures, of other Foundations and any other entities or institutions, with or without legal personality, which are related to the Ducal House of Medinaceli and its aggregates or to its purposes; as well as the incorporation of assets and the assumption of the charges and purposes to which they are attached.

9.- Any other purposes which, within the spirit that encourages the creation or institution of this Foundation, are directly or indirectly connected with, complement or develop those listed above, especially any other actions in the social, cultural, religious, or conservation and promotion of assets, benefits, traditions, historical commitments and prerogatives. The Board of Trustees of the Foundation may determine the actions that have the character of purposes connected with those of the Foundation.


The Board of Trustees