The Institution



The Board of Trustees

Annual Report

The Board of Trustees

Our governing body

The highest body of governance, representation, administration and disposal of the assets of a Foundation is a collegiate body called the Board of Trustees which, in our case, is made up of: a President; four institutional members representing the Royal Board of Trustees of the Prado Museum, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, the Basilica of Jesús de Medinaceli and the Royal Monastery of Santa María de Poblet respectively; a Supervisory Board made up of personalities from the world of the Church, culture and business, and a Family Collective Member, which currently includes those patrons who are ex officio patrons because they hold one of the titles distributed by a Duke of Medinaceli or because they are directly descended from the founder, the 18th Duchess of Medinaceli.


  • President: His Excellency Don Ignacio de Medina y Fernández de Córdoba, Duke of Segorbe
  • Deputy to the President: Mr. Pablo Hohenlohe Medina

Institutional Trustees

  • Representing the Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San FernandoH.E. Mr Rafael Manzano Martos
  • Representing the Royal Board of Trustees of the Prado MuseumMr Miguel Falomir Faus
  • Superior of the Basilica of Jesús de MedinaceliRev. Father Benjamín Echeverria
  • Abbot of the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de PobletRev. Father Don Fray Octavi Vilà Mayo

Trustees Members of the Supervisory Board

  • His Excellency Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet
  • His Excellency Mr. Alberto Boadella Oncins
  • His Excellency Mr. Fernando Marías Franco
  • H.E. Mr. Antonio Ojeda Escobar
  • His Excellency Mr Juan Manuel González Serna
  • Mr. Don Juan Manuel Albendea Solis
  • Mr. Juan Francisco García-Carranza Benjumea
  • Mr. Daniel Niño Herrera
  • His Excellency Mr. Juan Gil Fernández
  • H.E. Don Juan Arena de la Mora
  • His Excellency Don Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza Gómez de Valuguera, Count of Montalbán
  • H.E. Ms. Ana Luisa Marroquín Alonso, Countess of Buena Esperanza
  • H.E. Mr. Emilio Ambasz

Ex officio trustees of the Family Spokesperson

  • His Excellency the Duke of Segorbe, Mr. Ignacio Medina Fernández de Córdoba.
  • Mr. Pablo Hohenlohe Medina.
  • Ms. Flavia Hohenlohe Medina.
  • Her Excellency, Countess of Ampurias, Mrs Sol Medina Orleans Bragança.
  • Countess of Ricla, Ms Luna Medina Orleans Bragança.
  • Her Excellency the Duchess of Cardona, Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos Fernández de Córdoba.


Annual Report