Portrait of Jerónima Enríquez de Guzmán, 2nd Marquise de las Navas

Moro, Antonio [Mor Van Dashorst, Anthonis] [Circle of].
Circa 1559

This portrait of Jerónima Enríquez de Guzmán, daughter of the Count of Alba de Liste and, by marriage, 2nd Marquise of Las Navas, could be dated to around 1559 on the basis of the headdress and clothing she is wearing and some other elements of the clothing of the portrait of her husband, with whom she is paired, which would correspond to the year in which they married. The traditional attribution of both portraits to Antonio Moro was rejected by María Kusche (2003), proposing instead Roland Moys, an attribution that is difficult to sustain due to the arguments set out in the description of her husband's portrait. We therefore think it more reasonable to restore them, if not to Moor's hand, at least to his closest circle, perhaps, as suggested by Lucía Varela (2000), under the master's direction.






Height: 107.00cm; Width: 75.50 cm


Tavera Hospital