Portrait of Faustina the younger.

Roman workshop
2nd century AD

This work is composed of two parts of different provenance. The head carved in marble is a portrait of Faustina Minor at the age of about fifteen, of the type made on the occasion of her marriage to Marcus Aurelius or on the occasion of the granting of the title of Augusta. In the miniature cataloguing of the archaeological collection of the 1st Duke of Alcalá by Markus Trunk, professor at the University of Treveris, he hesitated between classifying this head as a replica of a lost original from the Antonine period or as a modern, possibly Renaissance interpretation of the early portraits of Faustina Minor. This latter dating seems to have lost its firmness after a new examination following the cleaning and consolidation of the piece, and he is inclined to consider it an original from the Antonine period. On the other hand, he considers the bust to be clearly modern and made of gypsum alabaster.




Marble, Alabaster


Height: 47.00cm; Width: 40.00cm; Depth: 24.00 cm


Pilate's House