Genealogical search engines

By house

It allows you to search among the titled houses added to that of Medinaceli and, within them, you can browse by the house to which it was added or those that were added to it and by the titles and territories that made them up, reaching the individuals who held such titles or possessed the territories.

By title

It allows you to search by titles and territories, discriminating between those added to Medinaceli and those outside it. It returns the year of creation, the house of Medinaceli to which they belong and the individuals who held them, being able to navigate to the records of each title and individual.

By individuals

It allows you to search by criteria relating to any individual, regardless of whether or not they have a degree: first name; surname, surname, nickname; sex and places and dates of birth or death. From the results, you can navigate to the file or to the family tree of each individual.