The Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli and the Factum Foundation have collaborated in a new digital preservation project, a late 15th century altarpiece attributed to the Master of Perea, known as the altarpiece of the Marqués de la Torrecilla because it served, transformed in the 19th century, as the altarpiece for the pantheon of that house in the Sacramental de San Isidro. All the panels have recently been restored by the Medinaceli Foundation, which has also acquired the only one that was missing in order to restore the original altarpiece. Thus, the recording of their texture and colour will make it possible, in addition to documenting their current state of conservation, to make a reliable facsimile of each panel in order to reconstruct the 19th-century neo-Gothic altarpiece and dedicate the originals to the recovery of the original 15th-century one.
Digitisation of the altarpiece of the Marquis of Torrecilla