Conference "How to restore an incunabulum?" to celebrate Book Day

23 April 2024

On Tuesday 23 April 2024, the Hospital de Tavera, located in Toledo, commemorated Book Day The event was held in an exceptional way, hosting a conference given by Dr. María Dolores Díaz de Miranda y Macías, director of the paper and parchment restoration workshop of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli.

The event was also attended by Carla Rubio Martín and Marina Miranda Sánchez, current assistants of Dr. María Dolores Díaz de Miranda y Macías. The conference, entitled "How to restore an incunabula book? The case of the Liber Chronicarum", was held in the extraordinary tapestry room of the historic building in Toledo, a space that houses two unique pieces by Willem de Pannemaker.