The Last Thursday 26 January at 7 p.m. in the Casa de Pilatos, the presentation of the activities programmed to commemorate the feast of St. John the Baptist was held.he Millennium of the Kingdom of Seville will take place this year. According to Andalusian chronicles, the Kingdom of Seville was created on 2 November 1023 as an Abbasid Taifa kingdom following the disintegration of the Caliphate of Cordoba, after the conquest by King Ferdinand III the Saint in 1248. It was to be a province of the Crown of Castile-Leon until 1833, when the territorial division of Spain into provinces took place.
The event was presided over by the Mayor of Seville, Mr. Antonio Muñoz, and by the President of this foundation, the Duke of Segorbe, and the presentation of activities was given by Mr. Manuel García Fernández and Mr. Emilio González Ferrín, both professors at the University of Seville and members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees, and by Mr. Manuel García Fernández and Mr. Emilio González Ferrín, both professors at the University of Seville. Organising Committee which has the participation and support of the City Council, the Universidad Hispalense, the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, the Diputación Provincial, the Junta de Andalucia and this Foundation.