Cleaning and consolidation of Leda and the Swan completed

20 December 2010

"As part of the programme to clean and consolidate the sculpture collection that the 1st Duke of Alcalá acquired in Italy during his time as Viceroy of Naples (1558-1571) and which he sent to Seville together with an architect with the commission to reform and "modernise" his palace, known today as the Casa de Pilatos, to decorate it with these marbles, the restoration of this bas-relief, known as Leda and the Swan, has been completed, known today as Casa de Pilatos, to decorate it with these marbles, the restoration of this bas-relief, known as Leda and the Swan, which represents the mythological episode of the possession of Leda by Zeus transformed into a swan and which is a Roman work from the 2nd century AD, based on an original attic, has been completed. It is a Roman work from the 2nd century AD based on an Attic original from the 5th century BC".