Tavera Hospital in private

Celebrate your event at the entrance of historic Toledo

Courtyards and roof of the chapel of the Hospital Tavera, Toledo.

Located just over 30 minutes from Madrid, next to the Puerta de la Bisagra, in addition to organising private tours of this monument and its collections, you can hold events of various kinds in its superb and spacious Renaissance courtyards and other spaces adapted for this purpose. By doing so, you will also contribute to its conservation and dissemination.

To learn more about the palace as a whole, we recommend you visit the Visual Notes section.


For information and availability, please contact:


Telephone numbers:

(+34) 954501545

(+34) 600116892

Ground Floor

Plan of the ground floor of the Hospital de Tavera for events
Salon Sitting Standing Dim. (m.)
1. Courtyards 600 1000 26 x 18
2. Central Gallery 70 120 36 x 7,5
3. Side galleries 140 240 36 x 4
4. Long galleries 260 440 56 x 4
5. Archive 100 170 25 x 6
6. Dining room 50 90 11 x 7,5


1. Courtyards

600 people seated

1000 people standing

Dimensions 26 x 18.5 m

2. Central Gallery

70 people seated

120 people standing

Dimensions 36 x 7.5 m

3. Side galleries

140 people seated

240 people standing

Dimensions 36 x 4 m

4. Entrance and back galleries

260 people seated

240 people standing

Dimensions 56 x 4 m

5. Archive

100 people seated

170 people standing

Dimensions 25 x 6 m

Further information


The Hospital's archive houses an impressive collection of documents relating to the operation of this hospital institution throughout its almost 400 years of existence, including leather-bound books decorated with Mudejar motifs. Celebrating your event while contemplating these documentary gems will be an unforgettable experience.

6. Dining room

50 people seated

90 people standing

Dimensions 11 x 7.5 m

Upper Floor

Upper floor plan of the Hospital de Tavera, for events.
Salon Sitting Standing Dim. (m.)
1. Central Gallery 70 120 36 x 7,5
2. Entrance and back galleries 260 440 56 x 4
3. Side galleries 140 240 36 x 4
4. Salon de tapestries 220 370 19,6 x 8,8


1. Central galleries

70 people seated

120 people standing

Dimensions 36 x 7.5 m

2. Entrance and background gallery

260 people seated

440 people standing

56 x 4 m

3. Side galleries

140 people seated

240 people standing

Dimensions 36 x 4 m

4. Hall of tapestries

220 people seated

370 people standing

Dimensions 19.6 x 8.8 m